So, having a diverse workforce isn’t just the right thing to do—it’s also good for business. In addition, studies have shown that companies with more diverse teams perform better financially. They attract a wider range of customers and clients because they understand different cultures and p...
The culturally aware nurse understands that the ancient art of cupping is a common practice in Asian cultures. This practice uses suctioning in different parts of the body and will leave circular bruises. Instead of calling protective services, the nurse discusses the procedure with the child to ...
Cultural competence is the ability to understand, respect, and effectively interact with people from different cultures, and involves being aware of one’s own biases. This skill helps build stronger relationships with coworkers and clients from various cultural backgrounds. Especially important for the...
Check out these six work culture examples to see aspects of the different types of company cultures in action. You’ll notice these companies have strong cultures and happy employees, but also lead in company performance and are world-renowned, proving yet again that a positive company culture...
Thesis Statement: Analyzing primary sources and historical documents can lead to a deeper understanding of historical events, shedding light on the perspectives and motivations of different actors. Thesis Statement: The study of colonialism and its impact on indigenous cultures can provide insights into ...
These kinds of themes can provide a solid foundation for your essay. 📊Keep up with Current Trends. What’s relevant today might be different from a few years ago. Take the rise of remote work, for instance. It’s a theme that’s super relevant now and could be an interesting topic ...
“A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Quality of life vs. standard of living We can use the term in several different contexts, including politics, economic or international development, and healthcare. ...
Whistleblowing: This section particularly matters in sectors like healthcare or finance, but every business should have confidential channels to report bullying, a conflict of interest, or outright criminality. Explain how to access and use whistleblowing channels and how you keep complaints private. ...
In an example of self-critique, physicians in a training program to develop cultural humility may collect and reflect on their daily experiences with patients from different cultures, noting where they apply assumption and bias. They may utilize self-reflective questions such as: What knowledge do ...
continue to obey our parents well into adulthood, live in close proximity to them, and often to financially care for them as they age. Others in individualist cultures may feel less of a duty to their parents, expecting them to take care of themselves, or expecting society to foot the ...