The entanglement of processing, dietary and physiological factors and a thorough understanding of the absorption and retention mechanisms will help to make those correlations clear. A possibility to assess the speciation in vivo (e.g. oxidation state, ligand type, hydration, partitioning, membrane or...
complex carbohydrates, particularly when combined with protein and fat, are more probable to maintain your blood sugar steady. major sources of dietary fiber are as follows: vegetables nuts fruits whole grains beans starch also exists in many of the same ...
Flaxseedis a rich source of the omega-3fatty acidalpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and is high in a class of phytoestrogens known as lignans. It is also high indietary fiber,protein,iron,calcium,manganese,thiamin,magnesium,phosphorus, andcopper. The seeds can be eaten raw or toasted; added ground...
Importantly, many of the secondary metabolites produced by plants are used by pharmaceutical industries (since these bioactive compounds trigger a pharmacological or toxicological effect in humans and animals), in cosmetics, nutrition, for the manufacture of drugs, dyes, fragrances, flavors, dietary ...