In the United States, for example, the constitutionally established doctrine ofbirthright citizenshipprovides that any person born on U.S. soil automatically becomes a U.S. citizen. Other democracies are more restrictive in bestowing full citizenship. Which people within the democracy should be empower...
Democracy is a form of government and it is derived from two Greek words: demos (which means "people") and kratos (which means "power". In general terms, the word means "ruled by the people". It is a type of government in which everyone has the right to choose who represents them ...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments ...
The Power of Elections: Democratic Participation, Competition and Legitimacy in Africa. This book is about elections and democracy in newly democratizing countries. Building on a new data set of 5,568 observations in 232 elections, it provides evidence elections have a casual impact on improving th...
States' Rights Amendment TheU.S Constitutionis the written list of laws for the United States of America. James Madison is known as the Father of the Constitution because, in 1789, he wrote the first 10 amendments. The10th Amendmentto the U.S Constitution says that 'The powers not delegated...
neighbourhood councils, e-democracy, participatory budgeting, citizen initiatives and referendums, are examples of this phenomenon. 全世界开发新 的参与方式(居委会、网上民主、参与性预算、民间倡议、全民公决)就 是 此类现 象 的表 现。 This effort served the min...
Under today's forest management practices, few trees die natural deaths and fewer still attain the girth of the old-growth trees that supported the ivory-bill. The sad fact is that there is really no place in the United States today where a viable population of ivory-bills could persist eve...
Thefollowing providesexamples of progressmadein promotingtheimplementation and/or the ratification of three of six normative instruments. 下文是促进执行和/或批准六项规范性 文书中的三项方面取得进展的实例。
Family values pertain to individual family members, the entire family as a unit, and the society we live in. As citizens of the United States, most American families will share a common set of values like the love of freedom and the belief in democracy. Family values help us determine what...
We can learn many things both from the effort by the United States in the Second World War to become the "arsenal of democracy" and from the space program, which, among other things, put a man on the Moon in 1969. The Marshall Plan, which was developed by the US Foreign Secretary, ...