Indoor Plants Indoor trees and plants are going to continue their ascent into home design mainstay. They freshen indoor air, bring the clarity and calm of nature indoors, act like sculpture on a shelf or table top, and caring for them is grounding and life affirming. Developing a collection ...
in the form of slender, sometimes curved beaks and tongues provided with brushes or shaped into tubes, are found in more than 1,600 species of eight families: hummingbirds, sunbirds, honeyeaters, brush-tongued parrots, white-eyes, flower-peckers, honeycreepers, and Hawaiian honeycreepers, su...
Lycophyte, class of spore-bearing vascular plants, comprising more than 1,200 extant species. The class comprises three orders: the club mosses (Lycopodiales), the quillworts (Isoetales), and the spike mosses (Selaginellales). Learn about the taxonomy, l