F. (1989). Concept learning from examples and counterexamples. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 30, pp 329-354.A.L.Ralescu and J.F.Baldwin (1989), ‘Concept learning from examples and counter examples’, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies , 30, pp. 329–354....
The findings indicated that teachers are well acquainted with numerical examples and counterexamples as proofs. We also found that teachers' considerations for accepting given justifications involve mathematical aspects as well as didactical ones. Teachers are less familiar with students' tendencies to ...
The counterexamples are generated automatically using SAT/SMT based constraint solvers. This methodology has been used for synthesizing a large variety of programs including bitvector algorithms [4], graph algo- rithms [5], and vectorized code fragments [20]. It also forms the basis for program ...
Jiang, “Learning regular languages from counterexamples,” in Proceedings of the 1988 Workshop on Computational Learning Theory, 1988. A. Marron, “Learning pattern languages form a single initial example and from queries,” in Proceedings of the 1988 Workshop on Computational Learning Theory, 1988...
We present examples of propositional modal logics, for which semiproducts or products with are axiomatized in the minimal way (they are called semiproduct- or product-matching with ) and also present counterexamples for these properties. The finite model property for (semi)produc...