In the English language, complex sentences, if used properly, can make your writing or speech a lot more meaningful. In this article, you will learn the meaning and definition of complex sentences as well as understanding how to form complex sentences and how to use them. Furthermore, there...
' and not, as one might expect in such adiscoursecontext, by 'so' or 'but.' The suppression of complex connectivity in this way seems to have baffled some critics, with comments on the famous Hemingway 'and' ranging from the vague to the nonsensical." (Paul Simpson,Language, Ideology...
In english, a compound-complex sentence contains a combination of two types of sentence structures: a compound and a complex sentence. Compound sentences combine two independent clauses, a type of clause that completes a full thought. Compound sentences connect with the use of a coordinatin...
Examples of Complex Sentences Example 1: After the rain fell, the desert smelled amazing. Aftersubordinating conjunction, making this a dependent clause the rainsubject fellpredicate ,commas are used to separate dependent and independent clauses when the dependent clause comes first ...
There are different kinds of sentences that writers can employ in their writings. For example, in addition to complex sentences, there are simple, compound, and complex-compound sentences in the English language. A simple sentence is a sentence that contains one subject, one verb, and a ...
Examples of Complex Sentences Thecomplexpart, or thedependent clause, is underlined. 1.When I said go to the store, I wanted you to get some milk. 2. We were late to the partybecause John could not find his shoes. 3.Before you go to bed, brush your teeth. ...
Examples of Complex Sentences Stay in the bathuntil the phone rings. Both the cockroach and the bird would get along very well without us, although the cockroach would miss us most. (Joseph Wood Krutch, 1893-1970) Leavewhile you can. ...
Compound-complex: A sentence with two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. Functional Types of Sentences Declarative:"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."(Mark Twain) Interrogative:"But what is the difference between literature and...
Simple sentences are just one type of sentence in English. There are actually four! They are: simple sentences compound sentences complex sentences compound-complex sentences Let’s discover the difference between these. What Is the Difference Between Simple Sentences and Compound Sentences? While a ...
In English, we have four main sentence structures: the simple sentence, the compound sentence, the complex sentence, and the compound-complex sentence. Each uses a specific combination of independent and dependent clauses to help make sure that our sentences are strong, informational, and most imp...