Sarah froze with fear on her front steps, unprepared for the loud noise of the engine, the flashing lights, and how to engage the kids already on the bus. Sarah’s mother researched and tried a valuable tool in helping people navigate difficult and new social situations: the Social Story....
The marble game 'KerPlunk' is onomatopoeia for the sound of the marbles dropping when sticks have been removed. In 'Doctor Who' comic strips, the sound of the Tardis (clocks) is represented as Vwoooorp! Vwoooorp! 'Snap, Crackle, Pop' when you pour cornflakes on milk is the famous onom...
Look, life moves fast. Back-to-back Zooms, errands galore, managing the kids’ jam-packed schedules…there’s always an excuse not to slow down. But your relationship thrives through intentionally carving out time together amidst the rush. Here are some thoughts on ways to implement these qual...
For example, when a child who is fascinated by a candle flame touches it and burns his finger, he will immediately revise his theory about fire and learn not to touch it again. Kids generate theories not only about these physical phenomena, but also about the unobservable mental states, such...