The fundamental centres are g and d and in the harmonic note lattice the occurring notes appear like this:and they represent the functions ofThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm ...
What are some examples of naturally occurring organic compounds that we are still unable to synthesize? Describe the correlation between smoking and non-smoking vital capacities. Give two examples of helical capsids. Explain three characteristics of occupational carcinogens. ...
There are a very large number of biochemical pathways occurring in humans. Majority of these metabolic reactions do not occur in isolation but are linked to some other reactions. These pathways are either linear or circular. The intermediate of one pathway (metabolite) can also act as a starting...
Dev S (1989a) Guggultetrols: a new class of naturally occurring lipids. Pure and Appl Chem 61: 353–356. ArticleCASGoogle Scholar Dev S (1989b) Chemistry ofCommiphora mukuland development of a hypolipaemic drug. In: Atta-ur-Rahman (ed) Studies in Natural Product Chemistry, Vol 5 (pp....
“…when reinforced responses co-vary with similar but unreinforced responses’’ (p. 42). Martin and Pear (2011) define it as occurring when: “…a behavior becomes more probable as the result of reinforcement of another behavior’’ (p. 193). ...
Formation of large volumes of dilute urine is usually due to polydipsic states or diabetes insipidus. Primary polydipsia can result from habit, psychiatric disorders, neurologic lesions, or medications. During deliberate polydipsia, extracellular fluid volume is normal or expanded and plasma vasopressin...
Four naturally occurring isotopes of lead occur. They are lead-204, lead-206, lead-207, and lead-208. Isotopes are two or more forms of an element. Isotopes differ from each other according to their mass number. The number written to the right of the element's name is the mass number...
Movies are often a reflection of the political and social changes that are occurring at the time of their creation. Movies typically reflect the views and attitudes of society and do so in a way that is dramatic and captivating. This holds true for The Great Gatsby, both during the time pe...
Older people are more likely (than younger age groups) to suffer multiple health conditions, chronic physical diseases and mobility limitation, often with concurrent mental and cognitive disorders, all of which requiring constant attention and care. The task of caring for these people is often shared...
Cost function—a function that represents the errors occurring in the training process in the form of a number. It is used for subsequent optimisation. Receptive field—a section of the image that is individually analysed using the filter. ...