The use ofcircumlocutionto obscure or confuse can also be used for comic effect. The tendency of civil servants to obfuscate was consistently satirized by Anthony Jay and Jonathan Lynn in the television seriesYes, MinisterandYes, Prime Minister. Here, Sir Humphrey Appleby, as senior civil servant...
since civil servants are engaged in the unique function of national government, theirintegrityand loyalty to their political masters might be affected by active participation in political affairs, and public confidence in their impartiality could be shaken. Broadly speaking, those countries that traditiona...
Although equal rights for all were affirmed in the founding documents of the United States, many of the new country’s inhabitants were denied essential rights. Enslaved Africans and indentured servants did not have the inalienable right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” that ...
draws many aesthetic influences from Chicago drill while maintaining its own stylistic differences. Where Chicago drill is heavily influenced by trap music, UK drill can be seen as a type of British gangsta rap, or "road rap." Young UK artists like Digga D and Central Cee have taken over th...
Taxation podcasts - scripts and updates and more - these podcasts are designed with small practitioners and reasonably financially literate taxpayers in mind, focussing on changes, problems and pitfalls in the field of taxation in the UK - hear them at h
Public administration as an activity is responsible for policy application. It involves managing different institutions and delivering services to the community. We can also consider it as a field of political science. It prepares public servants for their role in public management. ...
and most were merelyspontaneousand quite short-lived disturbances by small groups of enslaved individuals. Such rebellions were usually attempted by male bondsmen and were often betrayed by house servants who identified more closely with their masters. Not all revolts had complete freedom as their ai...
This centralized system was strengthened by creating a special corps of civil servants. In the beginning these civil servants—in a real sense servants of the crown—were sent out from Berlin to deal with such purely military matters as recruiting, billeting, and victualing the troops, but in ...
ofcivil servantswhose positions have generally been obtained through the passage of tests based upon merit. Thecivil serviceis sometimes considered a permanent government, distinct from thetransientpoliticians who serve only for a limited time and at the pleasure of the electorate indemocraticpolitical ...
adopted throughout the world, and diplomacy had expanded to cover summit meetings and other international conferences, parliamentary diplomacy, the international activities of supranational and subnational entities, unofficial diplomacy by nongovernmental elements, and the work of international civil servants. ...