Examples of Brand-Positioning Strategy. Your company brand is the lifeblood of the business: It is a statement of your company's personality and a declaration of company values. With the right positioning strategy, branding creates an indelible impressio
Discover what brand strategy is, why it matters, and learn how to create a successful brand strategy with our step-by-step guide.
Understand what brand strategy is. Learn about brand strategy definition and product branding strategy. Know more about brand strategy with brand...
Research from McKinsey shows that customer experience leaders achieve more than double the revenue growth of customer experience laggards. Turning your business into a leading brand starts with a well-documented customer service strategy that accounts for your audience’s preferred channels. For example,...
It’s a crucial aspect of brand strategy influencing how the audience perceives a brand. Why is brand identity important? Brand identity is the heart and soul of your company. A strong identity helps your potential customers recognize, relate to, and differentiate your brand from others in the...
BRAND STRATEGY Great brand strategy revolves around clearly articulating your differentiation against competitors. You must continually push these differentiators to customers. One of the best ways to achieve this is by aligning your branding with your unique value propositions. CREATE A NEW VALUE ...
Marketers use a variety of brand positioning strategies to win customers, including convenience, price, quality, emotion, and more. Often, the best strategies take a blended approach. Determining which brand strategy to use depends on your unique value, market, customers, and emotional connection. ...
Taking the ‘fist-pump’ symbol from the film and using it across the entirety of the campaign, the soft drink brand executed an integrated multi-channel strategy to promote the series. With 6.8m views in the first two weeks alone, ‘Crossroads’ is a great example of how episodic content...
Brand awareness kicks off the customer journey through the brand funnel and can help brands stand out in today's competitive market. Our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know, plus examples.
A brand extension is a strategy to launch a product in a tangential market or category, sometimes closely related to the core product, and other times unrelated. Here’s a look at some examples.