Still another related concept is that ofbrainwashing. The term usually means intensive political indoctrination. It may involve long political lectures or discussions, long compulsory reading assignments, and so forth, sometimes in conjunction with efforts to reduce the reactor’s resistance by exhausting...
There have been real examples of dystopias in history, such as Nazi Germany. Cults such as the Branch Davidians and the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints also qualify as dystopias due to brainwashing and their attempt to create a “perfect” society. There are also ple...
Even if you don’t initially believe what you’re saying to yourself, you will eventually with repeated exposure, essentially un-brainwashing yourself from diet culture messaging. Here are some examples of how you can flip the script in your mind:...
Oratory, the rationale and practice of persuasive public speaking. It is immediate in its audience relationships and reactions, but it may also have broad historical repercussions. The orator may become the voice of political or social history. A vivid i
To have much learning, to be skillful in handicraft, well-trained in discipline, and to be of good speech -- this is the greatest blessing. —Buddha 37 Schools in amerika are interested in brainwashing people with amerikanism, giving them a little bit of education, and training them in ski...