And for Angela Baker (1942-2013), in fulfilment of a promise.He explains the touching story in the book’s acknowledgements: “My school English teacher, Angela Baker, saw something in me that I was too young to see for myself. When she retired (I was twelve), I gave her a letter ...
If you’re referring to a section of a book, article, etc., you may call itacknowledgmentsor acollection of acknowledgments–for example: You’re the first person I mentioned in my book’s acknowledgments. I will be delivering special acknowledgments at the end of the meeting. ...
A preface is a part of the front matter of a book where the book’s author can provide a bit of context for the reader. Let's find out how to write a great preface that can help hook your reader.
This README links to a Jupyter notebook that you can either download and run locally or [![open it in Colab](]( This is...
Interlude: Common tasks Lookarounds Unicode Further Reading Acknowledgements License The book is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The code snippets are licensed under MIT, seeLICENSEfile....
Sonic Travel Guide Illustrated section heads and selected pages from the Sonic Travel Guide book. Content pages are absent as they contain internal information about the organization. Designed by Jenkin Hammond. Be somebody Acknowledgements, front matter, and table of contents from Lester’s Be Somebo...
ofChapter1tomakeanewfirstchapteronmeasuretheory,whichshouldallowthe booktobeusedbypeoplewhodonothavethisbackgroundwithoutmakingthetext tediousforthosewhohave. Acknowledgements.Iamalwaysgratefultothemanypeoplewhosentme commentsandtypos.HelpingtocorrectthefirsteditionwereDavidAldous,Ken ...
() => shell.openExternal(APP_BUGS_URL)} > Report bugs </Link> <DialogActions> <Button onClick={() => shell.openPath(path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'legal_notices.txt')) } > Acknowledgements </Button> <Button onClick={props.onClickDone}>Done</Button> </DialogActions> </Dialog...
Competition belongs to the essen- ce of life. Charles Darwin's "survival of the fittest" is evolution promoted by competition. In 1776 Adam Smith published his famous book on the wealth of nations. His dream is now reality: free enterprise, and competition have become the pillars of world ...
"Methods for evaluating the geomorphological per- formance of naturalized rivers: examples from the Chicago metropolitan area". Accepted as book chapter in Uncertainty in River Restoration, in press, edited by David Sears and Steve Darby, 2007....