In this example, the reactant is hydrogen peroxide and the products are water and oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide is a common byproduct of biochemical reactions within our cells. Hydrogen peroxide is toxic to an organism's cells and needs to be converted into molecules that are not toxic. In this...
Get an overview of biochemical reactions that occur in the human body. Also, explore the different types of biochemical reactions along with their...
Anabolism and catabolism are the two broad types ofbiochemical reactionsthat make upmetabolism. Anabolism builds complex molecules from simpler ones, while catabolism breaks largemoleculesinto smaller ones. Most people think of metabolism in the context of weight loss and bodybuilding, but metabolic pathw...
Light reactions Definition noun The series ofbiochemicalreactions inphotosynthesisthat requirelight energythat is captured by light-absorbingpigments (such aschlorophyll) to be converted into chemical energy in the form ofATPandNADPH. Supplement The light reactions take place on the thylakoid membranes of...
What is the name of the biochemical process that breaks down food molecules to produce other molecules for cellular maintenance? Which of the following is not true regarding metabolism? a. Metabolism involves thousands of different chemical reactions occurring in a...
There are many other examples of coenzymes involved in several biochemical reactions. Another example is the coenzymes that are involved in the removal of carbon dioxide (decarboxylation) from a compound to assist in the breakdown of carbohydrates for the production of energy, such as the active ...
Chemosynthesis is the conversion of carbon compounds and other moleculesinto organic compounds. In this biochemical reaction, methane or an inorganic compound, such as hydrogen sulfide or hydrogen gas, isoxidizedto act as the energy source. In contrast, the energy source forphotosynthesis(the set of...
Psychrophiles have successfully overcome two main challenges that arise during growth at low temperature: first, low temperature, because any decrease in temperature exponentially affects the rate of biochemical reactions; and second, the viscosity of aqueous environments. ...
Without enzymes functioning as biological catalysts, biochemical reactions would take so long that cellular conditions would become incompatible with life. The specific function, quantity, and types of enzymes in living organisms, including human beings, are both diverse and vast. Some examples of ...
A coenzyme is an organic molecule that enhances the function of an enzyme. An enzyme is a protein that helps biochemical reactions occur. What are the functions of coenzymes and cofactors? Cofactors are split into inorganic ions and organic molecules. Inorganic cofactors (metal ions) activate en...