Bing Ads API v.13 Overview FAQ Get Started Authentication with OAuth Overview Register an application Request user consent Get access and refresh tokens Make your first API call Multi-factor authentication requirement Sandbox Concepts Guides Client Libraries ...
Bing Ads API v.13 概述 常见问题 入门 使用OAuth 进行身份验证 概述 注册应用程序 请求用户同意 获取访问和刷新令牌 进行第一次 API 调用 多重身份验证要求 沙盒 概念 Guides 客户端库 代码示例 概述 广告扩展 预算机会 批量请求 客户端链接 转换Goals ...
If you have an AdGroup object, call the object's ads method to get the list of ads that belong to the ad group. This example gets and prints all the ads in the group but you can use the ad selector's methods to filter the list of ads.JavaScript 복사 ...
GlassOfRedWinemm / googleads-mobile-ios-examples globeay / googleads-mobile-ios-examples Glym143 / googleads-mobile-ios-examples gmehedi / googleads-mobile-ios-examples GoblueAZ77 / googleads-mobile-ios-examples goelankitt / googleads-mobile-ios-examples gogoto2 / googleads-mobile-...
// Use Merchant Promotions if you want tags to appear at the bottom of your product ad // as "special offer" links, helping to increase customer engagement. For details // on Merchant Promotions see
Finally, another common use for AI is in the field of data science and analytics. One of the most common uses is inpredictive analytics, but AI can also be useful in data analysis. Most crucially, using AI analytics helps companies to scale their analytics and allows them to have accurate...
Even with millions of websites available, search engines can deliver results swiftly by continuously monitoring the Internet and indexing every page. The most used search engine on the market is Google. Other examples include Yahoo and Bing. ...
A WPS Excel extension that provides extra capabilities and options is known as an add-in. The power of Excel is increased by offering the user more functions. To use an add-in, it must first be activated. Once activated, it begins to operate when Excel i
Example:Unilever’s digital campaigns showcase new product launches and promotions to target retail buyers. This ensures their products stay top-of-mind for trade partners. [Source:Freepik] How To Develop a Trade Marketing Strategy in 5 Steps ...
Search Ads Also called search engine marketing, thistype of advertisinguses search engine results to promote the offering. Advertisers target keywords that people search for on a search engine and push their webpages at the top of the results by paying such search engines like Google, Bing, etc...