As we said earlier, you will find that many authors of academic articles do not seem to care too much about these rather subtle distinctions, but thinking very clearly about your own research will not only help you write better but also ensure that even that infamous Reviewer 2 will find ...
A good research question not only clarifies the writing in your study; it provides your readers with a clear focus and facilitates their understanding of your research topic, as well as outlining your study’s objectives. Before drafting the paper and receivingresearch paper editing(and usually bef...
Descriptive research answers questions relating to “what,” describing the nature of demographics under study. It doesn’t focus on the “why” of the research subject. More specifically, it describes the attributes of the variables in the study without changing them. Descriptive research is genera...
I have poorresearch skillswhich will make it really hard for me to figure out what I need in order to achieve my goals. Istruggle with academic topicsand prefer practical tasks, so this goal will be hard to meet for me. I am reallyshyand this goal will require me to step out of my...
Research and get back to me later if you don’t see it right now. It’s there. Please just try to look at it and investigate what your inner dialogue with this is, and what kind of message you may be sending to your daughter, now and later, in the things you say and in the ...
Whether to seek acceptance or avoid struggle, humans often instinctively hide flaws and mistakes. Merging this thought process into research by attempting to hide limitations, however, is a bad idea. It has the potential to negate the validity of outcomes and damage the reputation of scholars. ...
Inacademic writinglikeresearch papers,you must cite your source for each piece of information that’s not your own. In informal writing like personal essays, you are your own source, so you don’t need a citation. But for writing that uses information from outside books, articles, websites...
Group decision making is an active research topic. Decision enactment and enforcement: ADs are used in software design; hence they have to be communicated to, and accepted by, the stakeholders of the system that fund, develop, and operate it. ...
This essay uses two articles as the basis for discussing education reform and how research might frame reform efforts. Examples ar... premier Past and Future Roles, a Nursing Narrative This essay presents a hypothetical example of how a nursing student might discuss past and future roles. ...
Example: Recall bias in research You are conducting a case-control study examining the association between the diet of young children and the diagnosis of childhood cancer. You examine two groups: A group of children who have been diagnosed, called the case group ...