Plasmidsare additional genetic material present in the form of small circular double-stranded DNA which is functionally separate from the chromosomal DNA. It may code for enzymes providing antibiotic resistance, information for the production of sex pilus enhancing intercellular genetic exchange through con...
There are different groups of bacteria where some are pathogenic while the rest are harmless or even beneficial. Pathogenic bacteria have a capsid as the outermost covering which serves the function of protection. Based on the staining techniques, bacteria are divided intoGram-positiveandGram-negative...
Learn what sexual dimorphism is and find interesting sexual dimorphism examples from the animal kingdom below. See the evolutionary importance of...
The genes for antibiotic resistance are normally found on plasmids inside of the bacterial cell. When the bacteria connect, the bacteria that is giving the gene for antibiotic resistance will send its plasmid through the connection to the bacteria that is receiving the DNA. ...
Eubacteria Definition Eubacteria (biology definition):Literally means “truebacteria“. They include allbacteria(except forarchaebacteria). These bacteria form theDomainBacteria (previously, Domain Eubacteria). It is one of the three-domain systems of classification; the other two are Domain Archaeaba...
In thecell membrane, It can form pores, which results in the loss of cellular contents and cell death. As a result of this dual mode of action, bacteria find it far more challenging to build functional resistance against lantibiotic peptides. ...
Antibiotic resistance comes about when a disease causing microbe evolves to hold out against the effects of medications due to overuse. Study antibiotic resistance, its dangers, virulence, factors of virulence, and how virulence specificity is beneficial. Related...
Bacteria, which don't reproduce sexually, can absorb bits of DNA they encounter and incorporate it into their own genetic code through various methods ofgenetic recombination. Sexual reproduction itself is a product of natural selection — organisms that blend genes in this way gain access to a ...
There are several natural acidic environments that include volcanic areas, hydrothermal sources, deep-sea vents, metal mining areas, and the stomachs of animals. Acidophilic organisms belong to all three domains of life; archaea, bacteria, and eubacteria, but archaea represent the largest acidophilic...
The bacteria S. pyogenes can also cause other types of infections, like sepsis and scarlet fever. What causes infection? Infections are always caused by some external agent that invades another organism, causing biological changes that result in illness symptoms. Some examples of infectious agents, ...