Notice how in the last sentence, the phrase “I analyzed” becomes “I even analyzed.” Anaphora can (and often does) contain small variations like this. Anaphora is similar to epistrophe, the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of successive clauses or sentences. Both are popular ...
Anaphora is a rhetorical term for therepetitionof a word or phrase at the beginning of successiveclauses. By building toward aclimax, anaphora can create a strong emotional effect. Consequently, thisfigure of speechis often found inpolemical writingsand passionate oratory, perhaps most famously in ...
Anaphora Definition What is anaphora? Here’s a quick and simple definition: Anaphora is a figure of speech in which words repeat at the beginning of successive clauses, phrases, or sentences. For example, Martin Luther King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech contains anaphora: "So let ...
Definition of Anaphora Anaphora is a literary and rhetorical device in which a word or group of words is repeated at the beginning of two or more successive clauses or sentences. This technique adds emphasis and unity to the clauses. For example, look at the function of the words “if onl...
In highly inflected languages like Latin, or Czech and many other slavic languages, the word ending identifies its function in a sentence. So, for example, in Czech “pes kousne člověka,” means exactly the same as “člověka pes kousne” (“dog bites man”). Examples of anastrophe...
Anaphora:the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of multiple lines, usually in succession. Epistrophe: the repetition of the same word, or a phrase, at the end of multiple clauses or sentences. Repetition: an important literary technique that sees a writer reuse words or phrases...
InEnglish grammar,cataphorais the use of apronounor other linguistic unit to referaheadto another word in a sentence (i.e., thereferent). Adjective:cataphoric. Also known asanticipatory anaphora, forward anaphora, cataphoric reference, orforward reference. ...
Simple Sentence Examples Thesis Statement Examples Conclusion Examples Dialogue Examples Cliché Examples Dramatic Irony Examples Passive Voice Examples Rhetorical Question Examples Situational Irony Examples Topic Sentence Examples Adjective of Number Examples ...
identifying the other nouns within the target sentence, to extract nouns that may be more loosely related to A, but occu...Masaki Murata, Hitoshi Isahara, and Makoto Nagao. Resolution of Indirect Anaphora in Japanese Sentences Using Examples "X no Y"(Y of X). In Proceedings of ACL'99 ...
Simple Sentence Examples Thesis Statement Examples Conclusion Examples Dialogue Examples Cliché Examples Dramatic Irony Examples Passive Voice Examples Rhetorical Question Examples Situational Irony Examples Topic Sentence Examples Adjective of Number Examples ...