Man in the middle is an active attack, where attackers position themselves between two parties, without the parties' knowledge, to gain access to sensitive information. These attacks can occur through the following methods: Exploiting vulnerabilities in the network infrastructure. Compromising routers or...
In the preceding command output, the number of discarded ARP packets on GE1/0/1 is displayed, indicating that the defense against ARP MITM attacks has taken effect. When you run the display arp anti-attack statistics check user-bind interface command for multiple times on each interface, the...
What is a phishing attack? Definition of phishing types; spear phishing, whaling, pharming. Learn about the types of email attacks to protect your network from the most common cyber security threat.
# Create HSB service 0 on AC_1. Configure IP addresses and port numbers for the active and standby channels. [AC_1]hsb-service 0[AC_1-hsb-service-0]service-ip-port local-ip peer-ip local-data-port 10241 peer-data-port 10241[AC_1-hsb-service-0]quit ...
Public IP addresses come in two types: dynamic IP addresses and static IP addresses. Dynamic IP Addresses:A dynamic IP address refers to a temporary address assigned to a device by an ISP. It is active only for a certain amount of time, after which it expires. The computer will either au...
Malware is any unexpected software on a device & can come in many forms. Discover how to defend against each type now.
In general, attack vectors can be split into passive or active attacks: Passive Attack Vector Exploits Passive attack vector exploits are attempts to gain access or make use of information from the system without affecting system resources, such as typosquatting, phishing, and other social engineeri...
, criminals broke into a casino, stealing a large amount of data, through an inadequately protected “smart” fish tank, whose Internet capabilities allowed its temperature, salinity, and food distribution to be controlled remotely but which also left the casino’s data systemvulnerableto attack....
Ryuk is a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) group that’s been active since August 2018. It is widely known for running a private affiliate program in which affiliates can submit applications and resumes to apply for membership. In the last months of 2020, the gang’s affiliates were attacking...
The CIA triad is an information security model meant to guide an organization’s security procedures and policies. What are the 3 principles of the cybersecurity CIA triad? Why is the CIA triad important in cybersecurity? Begin your odyssey to understand and reduce cyber risk ...