We’ve included a free project template charter help as an example of what a project charter should include. So, what is a project charter, exactly? The following quick guide will help give you a fuller understanding so that when you’re pitching your next project, you’ll have everything...
1. List All Your Project ActivitiesIn a WBS, project activities are the “how” of a project. They make up the work packages or steps that you’ll have to take to produce project deliverables. Therefore, you’ll want to list all the tasks that will be needed to deliver the project....
Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code has been thoroughly debunked as being nothing but a “beach book” with no basis in reality (despite Brown's claims of a scholarly pedigree). Brown’s become something of a joke to actual art history scholars, mainly because he made the g...
The development was mostly done before I started working with them. What we have instead is more of a punchlist – a list of tasks to be done. But some of those tasks are user stories as well. Each row has “state” (Keystone, Blocked, Todo, In Progress, or Done) and “who will...
Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code has been thoroughly debunked as being nothing but a “beach book” with no basis in reality (despite Brown's claims of a scholarly pedigree). Brown’s become something of a joke to actual art history scholars, mainly because he made the g...
And speaking of small things that pack a punch, we really like these cute, retro, and camp keychains. They’re colorful, cheerful, and use emojis to elevate a basic stocking filler item and turn it into a cute and useful keepsake. After seeing these two small yet impactful Instagr...
Naturally, in the field of art & design, having a long chronological list of experiences isn't the sole factor that sets you apart; it's how you use your experiences to illustrate that you're the perfect fit for the job. Here's how you can show your past experience in a compelling ...
Effective resume summary:The resume summary (profile) does a solid job of highlighting the candidate’s strengths and experience. For example, by describing themselves as "results-oriented" and "performance-driven," the candidate manages to create an image of a proactive and productive professional...
If your email signature already has multiple contact methods and a laundry list of social media channels, your CTA will be lost in the clutter. If your main goal is to drive clicks via a CTA, reduce other links in your email signature. 6. Booking Links If you have a client-facing or ...
This is also a great example of using persuasive language to sell a product. Weber doesn’t just list the features of the grill, they explain how those features will make the customer’s life better. 2. KONG KONG is a dog toy manufacturer that has been around for over 40 years. Their...