A participial phrase is a participle and all of the modifiers that go with it. A participial phrase always functions as an adjective in the sentence. Words that function as participles also function as verbs and sometimes as gerund phrases, so you cannot just assume that every -ing word or ...
Examples and definition of a Participial Phrase. A participial phrase is a phrase that looks like a verb, but actually functions as an adjective; it modifies a noun in the same sentence.
Sometimes a word or phrase appears to be a verb when, in fact, it’s something else. It’s important to look at the function that a word or phrase plays in a sentence before determining its part of speech. What Is a Participial Phrase?
Aparticipial phraseis composed of aparticiple, a word formed from a verb but used as an adjective to describe a noun or a pronoun, and an object. Let's discuss its importance and other examples below. Importance and Usage of Participle Phrase ...
Punctuating Participle Phrase Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions How do you write a participial phrase? The first thing to decide is what noun or pronoun is going to be modified by the phrase. The second is to chose the correct participle form of the verb, either past or present. Fin...
In this example, “Searching for gold” describes how Derek is currently spending all his time in the field. Notice that it is separated by a comma as well. Participial phrases, used correctly, can add more detail with less words. Having seen them yourself, try using them in your own wri...
Verbal Example: The smell ofburnedtoast filled the kitchen. (Burnedis the past participle. It modifiestoast.) Verbal Example:Chopped into large pieces, the wood sat in a pile. (Choppedis the past participle, andchopped into large piecesis the participial phrase. The participial phrase modifieswo...
Aparticipial phraseis a phrase headed by a participle that functions as an adjective. If a participial phrase comes at the beginning of a sentence, it should be followed by acomma. If it comes in the middle of a sentence, it should be set off by commas unless it provides essential inform...
A participial phrase is a phrase that begins with a participle and functions as an adjective. Participial phrases are used to modify a noun or pronoun in the main clause of a sentence. A participial phrase at the start of a sentence should always be followed by a comma. Participial phrases...
The past participle “broken” works as an adjective. And the participial phrase “broken bone” functions as a direct object of the sentence. Participial adjectives can also be predicate adjectives like this example below. Darcy is awalking dictionary. ...