InEnglish grammar,parallelismis the similarity of structure in a pair orseriesof related words, phrases, or clauses. Also calledparallel structure,paired construction, andisocolon. By convention, items in a series appear in parallel grammatical form: anounis listed with other nouns, an-ingformwith...
The definition of parallelism can also refer to a grammatical construct, which we use commonly in everyday speech, for example “She enjoys gardening and cooking” instead of “She enjoys gardening and to cook.” The grammatical parallelism in the former sentence is a matter of using two gerund...
Parallelism ‘ or parallel structure ‘ is described as using a pattern of words (such as verbs or adjectives) to demonstrate similar words in a sentence where all elements within the sentence are of equal importance. This is opposed to listing items in terms of importance. It is a particular...
There are countless examples of parallelism in literature and culture. Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream" speech is a major example, along with Neil Armstrong's quote when he landed on the moon. Armstrong said "hat's one step for man, one giant leap for mankind."What...
Explore parallelism in poetry. Learn the definition of parallelism and understand its structure. Find interesting examples of the usage of...
I think this file would best be split up into many files to support parallelism. As it stands, this test (test_that("analogous to test-roxygen-examples-complete")) takes 5x longer than any other test_that() units in the suite. That means...
Parallelism is especially important in displayed enumerations. POOR: This article will discuss: 1. How to deal with corporate politics. 2. Coping with stressful situations. 3. What the role of the manager should be in the community. BETTER: This article will discuss: ...
Examples of Parallel Structure: Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. We must be firm, be fair, and be consistent. I want to invite my favorite teacher, my favorite coach, and my favorite friends. The class took a quiz, went to lunch, and watched a video. ...
In contrast, antithesis does not usually use two contrasting words next to one another. They’re usually more spread out, playing into the importance of parallelism. Related Literary Terms Oxymoron: a kind offigurative languagein which two contrasting things are connected together. ...
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