An infinitive phrase is the infinitive form of a verb plus any complements and modifiers. For example: He likes to knead the dough slowly. (The infinitive form of the verb is "to knead." The complement is its direct object ("the dough"). The modifier is the adverb ("slowly"). They...
A phrase is a group of words that are used together. Infinitive Definition An infinitive is made up of the word 'to' + the simple form of the verb. The infinitive is classified as a verbal; meaning that it indicates an action or a state. Here are some examples of infinitives: to...
a. Infinitive Phrase as a Noun When an infinitive phrase works like a noun, it answers the question “what?” So, the infinitive phrase will be the subject, which does the verb; or an object, which receives the action of the verb. Here are some examples: ...
In the first two examples, the infinitive phrase functions as the subject of the sentence. In example three, the infinitive phrase is "to clean up the park." It is acting as the direct object of "help." The infinitive phrase also functions as a direct object in the fourth sentence. In...
Infinitive An infinitive is the main component of an infinitive phrase. In simple terms, an infinitive is a word “to” alongside a verb. Below are the examples to illustrate what it means: To walk (to +walk) To go (to +go) To drink (to +drink) To watch (to +watch) Infinitives ...
Types of Phrase Adjective Phrase Adverbial Phrase Noun Phrase Prepositional Phrase Gerund Phrase Infinitive Phrase Participle Phrase Appositive Phrase Phrases Functioning as Different Parts of Speech Why Phrases Are ImportantThe Difference between a Phrase and a Clause ...
Table of Contents The Near Future in Spanish Using Ir + A + Infinitive Ir + A + Infinitive Examples Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions How do you use ir + a + infinitive? The "ir + a + infinitive" formula is used when talking about the near future. The phrase "going to" is...
A phrase is a group of words that do not use a subject or a predicate to communicate a thought and is used as part of a clause. More about types of phrases.
There is a relationship betweenitand the infinitive phrase in the sentence 'It took so longto get there'? One role that an infinitive can fill is that of thedelayed subject. Sentences with delayed subjects always begin with thedummyit, adummy elementthat takes the place of some word(s) in...
In English grammar, aninfinitiveis thebase form of a verbthat can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb. "Infinitive" comes from the Latin wordinfinitusmeaning endless. The infinitive is a type ofverbal, or word derived from a verb that does not function as a verb, that is almost alw...