of Frankenstein were “recognizably human-looking”, nothing like the green monster with bolts depicted in modern culture (Martin and Wolfson). Victor created a life, a creature that although not appeasing to the eyes, still human like, with a spark. Prometheus gave fire to the humans he ...
In both of these examples, there’s no fallacy because the options presented are logical andtruthful.With certain other fallacies, like thered herringandad hominemfallacies, a claim can be both true andfallacious. With a false dilemma, the fallacy’s crux is that the binary options presented a...
Just like the other “appeal to” fallacies, the appeal to authority fallacy is afallacy of relevance. That means the claim the arguer makes to support their statement is irrelevant to the discussion and thus illogical. Other fallacies of relevance include thebandwagon fallacyand thered herring fa...
Person 1 makes a claim Person 2 creates a distorted version of the claim (this is the straw man) and then attacks that distorted version as a way of seemingly attacking Person 1’s initial claim. For example: Person 1:I think I’d rather have a burger than lo mein for lunch. ...
Truman is a metaphor for conquering fears, perseverance, and not accepting the reality with which we’re presented. Some also claim there are controlling government and antichrist themes played out through the reality show’s creator, Christof. —The Truman Show ...
Commuting expenses may also refer to a tax deduction that taxpayers may claim if they have to travel to a work site temporarily. Specifically, somewhere that is not their normal workplace. In The Netherlands, commuting by bicycle is common. ...
The software in this claim would move text from an obscured part of a window to a visible part of a window. The USPTO said this example counts because it's not a mathematical concept. It's also not something the human brain could do on its own. The software deals with solving a ...
Lis pendens is a notice that a property has a claim against it backed by a pending lawsuit. The notice must be filed with the Clerk of Court for the county you live in and is recorded in the county real estate records. A lawsuit must be pending before the notice can be filed and ser...
For example, a residential homebuyer pledges their house to their lender, which then has a claim on the property. This ensures the lender’s interest in the property should the buyerdefaulton their financialobligation. In the case of foreclosure, the lender may evict the residents, sell the ...
Account holders may be able to dispute such out-of-place charges and file a claim that they did not make the purchase themselves. Reviewing your account statements as they come in is a good financial habit that can catch these red flags before they become a financial disaster. Electronic Sta...