If you own a trademark and someone else has infringed upon your mark, you would usually address the issue with a civil lawsuit. If your trademark infringement case involves the trade of counterfeit products, criminal penalties may also apply....
A subpoena is a writ that compels a witness to testify or compels an individual or organization toproduce evidence. Certain writs were eliminated because the relief that used to be available only through a writ is now accessible through a lawsuit or a motion in a civil action. You may find ...
A party that incurs damages by malfeasance is entitled to settlement through a civil lawsuit, but proving malfeasance in a court of law is often difficult and can be both time-consuming and expensive. Malfeasance should not be confused withmisfeasance, which is the act of engaging in an action...
Whether state or federal, civil or criminal, these rules include matters relating to the court's jurisdiction to hear the case, the standing of the parties to bring the lawsuit, and the correct venue where the case should be heard. There are also certain basic rules that are required by ...
Perpetrators of criminal fraud may be punished by fines and/or imprisonment. Victims of civil fraud may file lawsuits against the perpetrator seeking monetary compensation. To win a lawsuit claiming civil fraud, the victim must have suffered actual damages. In other words, the fraud must have bee...
Practice of law: best examples in legal work on x (opens in a new window) Practice of law: best examples in legal work on facebook (opens in a new window) Practice of law: best examples in legal work on linkedin (opens in a new window) Save current progress 0%December...
Filing a Lawsuit | Parties & Process 6:00 Threshold Requirements: Standing, Case or Controversy & Ripeness 6:16 Pretrial Pleadings & Service of Process in Civil Litigation 5:37 Plaintiff, Defendant & Pre-Trial Motions in Civil Cases 7:46 Jury Selection | Definition, Process & Trials ...
But every year, a handful of lawsuits get filed that are patently ridiculous. Let’s take a quick look at what frivolous lawsuits are, why they’re filed, and whether there are any repercussions. What’s a frivolous lawsuit? A frivolous lawsuit is a lawsuit that has no legal merit. To ...
How to file a claim in California Under California state law, you generally have to file a complaint, first. This would go to either the: Civil Rights Department (CRD), formerly the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH), if your complaint is under a state labor law, like FEHA...
In this case, Bata India Ltd filed a lawsuit against Pyare Lal & Anr. for copying its design of shoes. The court ruled in favour of Bata India and held that the design of the shoes was unique and original, and therefore entitled to copyright protection. Delhi Public School Society vs. ...