Advantages of the Block and Tackle PulleyIt helps to lift heavy loads. In addition to this, the more the number of pulleys, the greater will be its mechanical advantage. It can easily be moved if grease or any oil is applied. It also serves as a belt when applied to an engine. In ...
A pulley is a simple machine made up of a wheel with two raised edges. A rope or a string runs along these raised edges without coming off. This is also known as the block and tackle pulley system which utilizes themechanical advantageof lifting a weight with only half the force to lift...
or no moving parts that are used to modifymotionand the magnitude of aforcein order to performwork. They are the simplest mechanisms known that can useleverage(or mechanical advantage) to increase force. The simple machines are the inclined plane, lever, wedge, wheel and axle,pulley, and...
Origin of winch 1 before 1050; Middle Englishwinche,Old Englishwincepulley; akin towench,wince1,wink1 Other words from winch wincher,noun Words that may be confused with winch wench,winch Words Nearbywinch win by a nose wince winced