Want to learn how to write flash fiction stories? Champion the short-short story by reading our analysis of the flash fiction form.
While the minimum word count is debatable there seems to be a consensus on the maximum word count. Many writers believe that the maximum word count is around 1000 to 1500 words. If you are thinking 500 words is a lot of difference (hell, you can fit another flash in that range), the ...
Discover examples of flash fiction online. Known by various names such as sudden, micro, very short, or postcard fiction, they can be read in a few minutes.
Flash fiction consists of a few different subcategories. The terms and word counts differ slightly among writers, but most people agree on the categories below. Flash Fiction Lengths Twitterature refers to the character length of a Twitter post, where many writers enjoy posting flash fiction stories...
Understand the definition of a short story and examples, exploring its various features and characteristics. Discover the history of short story...
Setting in Literature | Definition, Importance & Examples 6:00 How to Analyze Characters in Literature: Explanation and Examples 7:34 Characterization: Character Roles & Dialogue in Fiction 8:13 Character Traits | Definition & Examples 3:41 5:19 Next Lesson Point of View | Types, Signif...
Ex. "We were flying through a sea of success" Metonymy A figure of speech in which something is referred to by using the name of something that is associated with itEx. "The Crown" Instead of the "King" Mood An atmosphere created by a writer's word choice and syntaxEx. The silence ...
A good attention getter for an essay is absolutely crucial. Many readers decide within the first two sentences whether your essay will be interesting or a waste of time.
Jackson uses syntax here because this string of word is reused throughout the writing in a positive way to tell you where the nice, old lady lives. While on the last page it’s used to describes her in a past tense as if she is no longer a Strangeworth on Pleasant Street. By using...
If you’ve ever used flash cards to help kids practice math facts or had your whole class chant the spelling of a word out loud, you’ve used drill & practice. It’s another one of those traditional instructional strategies examples. When kids need to memorize specific information or master...