As mentioned before, if these companies are from similar industries, we can compare the turnover ratio of both of them. For Company A, the equity turnover ratio is more than Company B. That doesn’t mean Company A is doing much better than Company B. It just means that somehow from th...
Bayesian computation Markov chain Monte Carlo methods Metropolis–Hastings algorithm Adaptive random-walk Metropolis–Hastings Blocking of parameters Metropolis–Hastings with Gibbs updates Convergence diagnostics of MCMC Summary Video examples The first five sections provide a general introduction to Bayesian ...
Check AP information: On the PC, log in to the AP through STelnet to check the version and working mode of the AP. 3 Start the switching: Run theap-mode-switch fatcommand in the system view to switch the working mode of the AP. The AP then restarts. ...
Create a 2-D column chart: select two sets of data and go toInsert. ClickInsert Column or Bar Chart. ClickClustered Columnto create a 2-D column chart. Select one set of columns (Achieved Sales) and clickChart Elements. Click the extension ofError Barsand chooseMore Options…. SelectError...
–Example 1 of categorical data The following is the frequency table for the reported income category of 100 participants from a certain survey. Income frequency Lt $1000 1 $1000 to 2999 3 $3000 to 3999 4 $4000 to 4999 0 $5000 to 5999 1 $6000 to 6999 0 $7000 to 7999 1 $8000 to...
How to Check the Current Working Mode of an AP There are three methods for checking the current working mode of an AP: Search for Wi-Fi signals on a mobile terminal (for example, a mobile phone). This method is applicable to the scenario where the AP is in factory defaults or offline...
{ /* typedef struct { const char* name; const char* signature; void* fnPtr; } JNINativeMethod; */ var structSize = pSize * 3; // = sizeof(JNINativeMethod) var methodsPtr = ptr(args[2]); ...
• Key Result 1: Increase the number of positive brand mentions on web from 3000 to 6000 (30-days average) • Key Result 2: Increase the number of published reviews from 10 to 50 on Capterra • Key Result 3: Achieve 60+ demo requests from discussion forums & groupsObjective...
0x3000tunneling_enable[31]Datapath mode: 0: LCA mode 1: Tunneling mode Note:You must set to 0 if the CPRI speed is not 10.1G, 9.8G, 4.9G, and 2.4G. 0x0RW rx_bitslip boundary_ sel[9:5]Indicates the number of bits that the 8B/10B RX PCS block slipped to achieve a deterministic...
This application note presents examples of how to multiplex data on the TDM interface and use the DMA controller to receive data from the TDM. It also discusses different ways to map the data into the DMA channels, with code examples. 1 TDM Basics Each MSC711x DSP has one or more ...