How many sentences is a block quote? In MLA, format a block quote is four or more lines of prose or three or more lines of poetry. In APA, format a block quote is forty words or longer. In Chicago, format a block quote is five or more lines of prose, more than 100 words, or ...
内容提示: 1Plagiarism (Example) Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work as your own. Plagiarism is theft of intellectual property. The most obvious form of plagiarism consists of stealing an author's exact words and failing to use quotation marks or to cite the author. ...
incompletesentencesneededillustrationandysis.Thecandidatenotedthechronologyofthey,the ‘flashback’butwasnotabletodevelopitbysuggestinghowthisaffectedtheaudienceresponsetoMarlene forexample.Thiswasworkofabasicstandardwithsomeevidenceofunderstandinghowthepartrelates tothewholebutrathersketchytreatmentoftheextractitself.For...
The details in the supporting sentences can be facts, quotations or analysis. The paragraph then concludes with a sentence that summarizes what the paragraph is about and leads into the next section smoothly. Subheadings can also be used to introduce new subtopics and are italicized. Transition ...
CommentonRevision1: Revision1demonstratestheworkofsomeonewhoeitherintendstocommitplagiarismorwhodoesn'trealizewhatplagiarismis.Plagiarismcannotbeavoidedjustbysubstitutingafewwordsandtransformingsomesentences.ThisversionisplagiarismbecauseitcopiesLeavis'ssequenceofideas,atypeoffingerprintthatwillgiveawaytheguiltystudent...