Ink for Epson Safety Data Sheet Long Beach, CA 90806Section 1 : Identification of substance and company undertaking Printers Epson America, Inc.3840 Kilroy Airport Way Product identifier:Relevant substance use:Supplier details Distributor :Address :562.276.1369Symbols :Signal word :Not hazardous n...
Note 3: Where a customer re-orders substances or mixtures, then the supplier does not need to re-supply the SDS, unless the sheet’s contents have been updated.What is new in REACH Safety Data Sheet (eSDS)?The major changes of safety data sheets are outlined as below:...
New Safety Data Sheets in accordance with CLP & REACH;About CIRSCIRS a leading provider of comprehensive chemical compliance services for companies doing businesses in/with EU and China with a strong focus on chemical compliance. With a strong presence in EU and China, CIRS has provided cost-eff...
andthattheywillsupplytherelevantSafetyDataSheets(SDS)withREAChregistrationnumbersas soonastheregistrationsoccur.BSMshallinnoeventbeliableforanynoncompliancederivingfrom falseorincorrectstatementsofitsrs. Weremindyou,ifthisproductispurchasedfromanyrotherthanBSM,includingothercompanies ...