Querying the Historical Versions of a File Performing Batch Operations Pre-release Check App Release SDK Privacy Statement SDK Compliance Guide Development Specifications Status Codes FAQs Appendix Supported Countries/Regions Terms Dynamic Tag Manager About the Service Use Cases Android...
But could you please elobarate a little bit more on other use cases of jco server api. For example, one can get data from a sap system by calling a rfm through jco client api and so it seems one can get data from a sap system through a jco server api by having sap sent it. Is...
Focus on End-User requirements when writing sample test cases. Map test cases to reflect every aspect of the user journey. Use the Specifications Document and the Requirements Document to do so. Avoid repetition. If multiple tests can be executed with the same test case, use the Test Case ID...
同学们常用的“evidence”主要是它的名词形式,当用作动词时是“作...的证据”,也可以当做“for example”的同义替换进行具体的说明,给大家看个例子: However, seat belts also involve a degree of inconvenience,as evidenced bythe unwillingness of many people to use them. 7.Proof of 先直接给同学们看例句...
There have been some casesofwomen employees being fired because they are pregnant. 04 Illustrate / illustration 这个词本来在雅思小作文中很常见,作“表现”的意思,摆在这里也有“举例论证”的意思,用法主要是: ■ To illustrate,... ■One i...
Sort by: ProfessorinEducationa year ago is there a list of copilot products with applicable use cases, e.g., Copilot M365 use cases = x, Copilot Github = this list CTOinTransportationa year ago We have been using Copilot for code generation and as a code ...
the act or an instance of analysing one or more particular cases or case histories with a view to making generalizations Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
delete request; } PrintVerbose(L"Leaving CChannelManager::CreateChannel"); } #pragma warning(disable : 4100) // The callbacks doesn't use all parameters. // This is called at the end of an async execution chain. Here we can clean up. void CALLBACK CChannelManager::CleanupCallback(HRESUL...
delete request; } PrintVerbose(L"Leaving CChannelManager::CreateChannel"); } #pragma warning(disable : 4100) // The callbacks doesn't use all parameters. // This is called at the end of an async execution chain. Here we can clean up. void CALLBACK CChannelManager::CleanupCallback(HRESUL...
Only some projects require a detailed business case. A comprehensive business case may not be necessary if the problem is well understood and a clear solution is already available. You can use a simplified version or skip it altogether in such cases. ...