This is what people refer to when they talk about saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats are fatty acids saturated with hydrogen, where there is a hydrogen atom on each carbon in the chain with no double bonds. This is related to increased risks of heart disease and can be found ...
Chemistry of fatty acids Perilla is an alternative source of fatty acids that contains both saturated and unsaturated (monosaturated and polyunsaturated) fatty acids. Fatty acids having more than one double bonds are termed as PUFAs. It contains saturated fatty acids mainly palmitic acid 5–7%, st...
in order to produce a fluid fraction with an iodine number greater than 75, preferably greater than 80, essentially containing unsaturated triglycerides having a content of triunsaturated triglycerides > 20 %, lacking in trans isomers, and having the properties of edible oils such as groundnut oil...
unsaturated fats: animWhich of the following is not an appropriate treatment for type 1 diabetes? a) Insulin injections b) Glucagon injections c) Low sugar diet d) Exercise programWhich of the following options is correct? Glucagon a. is stimulated by hy...
Find out which fats and oils, such as coconut oil and fish oil, lower cholesterol and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Explain why unsaturated hydrocarbons undergo hydrogenation. Give a detailed answer. What are the uses of Beer-Lambert law in chemistry? Describe some properties of hydrocarbons and explain why they are important. Give two examples of how chemistry is applied to our everyday ...
Bad cholesterol is mainly received from saturated and Trans fats thus, a healthy diet aiming to reduce the incidence of CHD should contain less saturated and Trans fats and more unsaturated fats. In addition, a high-fat diet leads to obesity and subsequently CHD. High serum cholesterol supports...
birth defects and many more. World Health Organization (WHO) report (WHO and FAO, 2003) have recommended a range of dietary combination that can help to prevent multiple of chronic diseases. Such combinations includes substitution of saturated and fats with unsaturated ones, such as omega-3 fatty...
(Collier & O’Dea 2008, p. 941). The effect of glucose on smooth muscles can be controlled through consuming fish oil, which contains high levels of mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). In addition, the same studies note that diets high in carbohydrates and low fats can increase the ...
*Patients with angina are maintained at low fat, low unsaturated cholesterol diet. *Anticipated goals were achieved. * Patient showed signs of pain cessation in addition to her verbalizing that pain had disappeared. * She also became more active and showed facial happiness. Also, vital signs ...