For example, young people like to do things without much thinking. It's one of their ways to show that they have grown up and they can deal with difficult things. Older people are different from them. They plan things ahead( 提前) and don't easily change their plans. Young people often...
英语翻译For example,young people like to do things without much thinking.这句话是不是这样翻译的例如,年轻
Review : This chapter presents the approach along the methodological guidelines and provides a film psychoanalytical interpretation of the movie "I'm thinking of ending things" (2020, directed by Charlie Kaufmann).Storck, TimoPsychologische Hochschule Berlin...
This is a goodexampleof the artist's early work. 这是这位艺术家早期作品的范例。 牛津词典 It is a perfectexampleof a medieval castle. 这是最典型的中世纪城堡。 牛津词典 Can you give me anexampleof what you mean? 你能给我举个实例来解释你的意思吗?
Hotsy snuck around back and threw a handful of jalapeños into the clam chowder. About a half-hour passed, and things got really crazy. People who had ordered the chowder were screaming for water, and rolling around on the floor. We had done something dreadful to all those screaming ...
1. Decide what you want to be an example of First things first, to lead by example, you need to decide what kind of leader you are. For example, the leader of a struggling company needs to be vulnerable and motivating. The manager of an overworked team must be empathetic and supportive...
Need for Power: The need for power is about wanting to have an influence, control things, or make a difference in how things work. McClelland talked about two kinds of power needs: personal power and institutional power. People with a strong need for power are driven by the chance to lea...
Students gain valuable and practical skills that will be useful to them throughout their lives. The skills, acquired through exposure to esports, include strategic thinking, teamwork, fast reflexes and preparation and management of both success and failure. ...
Socrates has become well known for his contribution to the field of ethics. His method of teaching, known as the Socratic Method, by asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to explain ideas remains a commonly used tool in a wide range of discussions. ...
individuals can experience what is essentially a paradigm shift if their worldview or ideology fundamentally changes to a new state from a previous one. People that convert to a new religion, for instance, can go through a paradigm shift. If the new way of thinking or belief system fully rep...