(see here for details). The final 'includeAllDada' TRUE/FALSE selection will, if set to TRUE, populate the final table with records that failed to obtain a BLAST match to the database and instead of taxonomic hierarchy will place NA in the ranks sections. If this is set to FALSE then ...
we calculated CAZyme “Function;Family” profile-similarities among 95AspergillusandPenicilliumspecies to form an alignment-free, EPR-based dendrogram. This revealed a stunning congruence between EPR categorization and phylogenetic/taxonomic grouping of the Aspergilli and Penicillia. Our analysis suggests EPR...
These results are interpreted to mean that taxonomic heterogeneity of beds within facies is more important for generating richness than within bed patchiness or differences between facies, and there is little change in the abundance structure above the collection level. These results are specific to ...
Development of a web-based resource for Helicobacter sp. Since its inception in 1989 the Helicobacter genus has now expanded to include 22 species with formal taxonomic status, two species at the candidams level, one grouping which includes up to 10 separate taxa and three epithets which are ...
tionarypressurescreatedcultureacrossavarietyof taxonomicgroups. Thispaper serves as a preliminary step tow ard s ere。 ating a fr am ew ork for ev aluatin g the ev olutionary in— fluences on cu ltural beh avior.W h ile many h ave advo— ...
Calculations were performed considering individuals (i.e., pedons) and the area covered by a given soil type, at different hierarchy levels of the USDA taxonomic classification (Great Group, Subgroup and family) as well as for diagnostic horizons. Abundance of Great Groups and Subgroups (richness...
The taxonomic composition of each collection allows it to be placed along these indirectly derived paleoecological gradients. Changes in the faunal composition of collections indicate that each of the five composite sequences represents successively greater marine inundation of the platform with a strong ...
In the long term, this bolsters the economic growth of a city as a whole [26]. By studying changes in the number and structure of functions performed by cities/towns, it is possible to determine their hierarchy in the settlement network structure and the broader socio-economic structures, ...