The postmodern position is the one paradigm of qualitative methodology that is intrinsically incommensurable withquantitativeresearchparadigms. Muchquantitativeresearchis descriptive and seeks empirical generalisation and is therefore inductive. Clearly, this offers the possibility of rapid, reliable coding with...
Qualitative interviews were conducted with 53 purposively sampled participants (pregnant women, CHWs, maternal health clinicians). Interview transcripts were reviewed using a critical realist thematic analysis approach to develop a coding scheme pertinent to our research questions: “What caused high uptake...
With qualitative measurement variables (our example),the main drawback of fuzzy coding could be the information loss,which is counterbalanced by the possibility of having fewer modalitiesand therefore of simplifying the multivariate analysis.doi:10.1080/1463922X.2019.1574932Loslever, Pierre...
Computational models are developed based on qualitative context dependent categorization based on semanticfeature extraction and self-organizing maps. Orthographic and phonological representations also coded a very basic semanticfeature of nouns - that is, whether the nouns were abstract or not. The con...
Do note that qualitative data works fantastic in data visualization.When, where, and whoNow that we’ve explained the basic principles of running your usability test - the “what” - decide if you’re going to carry it out online or in-person and whether you need a moderator....
Applying an integrated theoretical model of state-corporate crime and drawing on extensive empirical qualitative research, this paper traces the processes of normalization and institutionalization of corruption within the context of social networks and organizations. It is argued that corruption is not a ...
managers use to respond to HABs and providing a more nuanced understanding of the interaction between TABs experience and TABs management difficulty. We describe how we analyzed these data in the next section and interweave the quantitative survey results with the qualitative interviews in the results...
The size, velocity, and heterogeneity of Big Data outclasses conventional data management tools and requires data and metadata to be fully machine-actionable (i.e., eScience-compliant) and thus findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR). Th
(c) the contexts that mediated this relationship. As shown in Table3, qualitative and quantitative data collection methods included purposively sampled semi-structured interviews; direct observation and coding of intervention activities; conversations with the intervention designers, implementers and providers...
Since cause-and-effect diagrams are straightforward, qualitative interactions among system components and feedback loops are shown via causal loop diagrams. Positive arrows indicate that changes happen in the same direction whereas negative arrows are used to demonstrate that changes occur in the ...