1. Cognitive Domain (Based on Knowledge): It consists of Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis & Evaluation 2. Affective Domain (Based on Emotions): Receiving, Responding, Valuing, Organizing, Characterizing 3. Psychomotor Domain (Based on action): Perception, Set, Guided respons...
These considerations lead to the need to consider ex ante the competence-oriented learning goal also in terms of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor learning goals, including achievability within the available time. In order to consider an adequate level of stress and strains, the extrinsic ...
It can also lead to poor coordination, mood changes, reduced pain tolerance, and psychomotor retardation. Therefore, depression causes amplified mortality, reduced productivity, and life quality. Distress is the negative experience of a psychological, emotional, spiritual, or social nature that affects ...