I just believed that one day I would die, and I did not care which day it was. This was a great benefit in the the war. My reckless actions were construed as courage. My demeanor made me a soldier’s soldier. I felt none of it. My valor stemmed from a reckless disregard for my...
were 26% less than those of men.The gap between male and female incomes varies with age.The gap between the labor incomes of young women and young men varies.It's also clear that jobs in which women are concentrated pay less.The larger the number of workers who are women in an ...
Caring about is, therefore, as integral to it as is taking care of or being cared for. All patients should have equal opportunities in accessing information to help them make informed decisions about their treatments. First, the book is more about women than about gender. In some cases,...
Risk governance frameworks propose assessing the level of public concern and designing adapted risk mitigation measures. We propose that concerns should not only be investigated with respect to the perceived risks but also with respect to the potential mitigation measures. We explore this by analyzing ...
We recruited 248 pregnant women in our study; of these 90% (n = 223) accepted the OGTT delivered by the CHW. Thirty-one women (14%) screened positive for GDM and were referred to antenatal clinics for GDM care by the CHWs. After two weeks, CHWs followed up in person with the ...
It may also reflect the strategy of some small companies to gain marketshare by offering higher annuity rates, even at the expense of positive financial results. Organic apple sales have benefited from the overall increase in organic marketshare and production, as fruit and vegetables hold the ...
As a child, MOM and dad are always take care of me, I was injured, so often there are one or two people with me taking care of me. Things they wouldn't let me go to the exposure to risk, for example, will not let me go get something I don't have a stool to reach and will...
Examples of positive peer pressure include Describe the characteristics of experimental research and quasi-experimental research. In what kinds of situations can these be applied in disaster management research? For sociology of education, which one of the three research methodologies: positivism, ...
Ms Drex gave a brief and superficial description of Mike that was positive. 2—Expresses Confidence in Own Parenting Efficacy Father’s concerns Mr B considered that, while Ms Drex expressed a high level of confidence in her parenting abilities, she often did not keep promises she made to Mike...
First, the accumulation of past idiosyncratic exogenous total factor productivity shocks enhances the labor-augmenting technology and has a positive permanent impact on labor efficiency. Military spending further enlarged the permanent fiscal deficit. Both patients in whom permanent pacemakers were implante...