Density can be defined, or is only defined, as the ratio of an object's mass to the volume of space that it does occupy. Usually, the density is a unique property to a material. Density is one of the factors that allow for identification of materials....
Give an example of a physical temporary change in chemistry. Name one example of a temporary physical change. Define the term exothermic process, and illustrate with a specific example. Give five examples of a chemical change (chemical reaction) from every day life. ...
The synthesis and X-ray diffraction study of 3-(2-biphenyl)-1,2- C 2B 10H 11, 1, provides an example of an intramolecular non-classical C–Hπ hydrogen bonding interaction in which the same aromatic π-electron-donating group which interacts with the carborane C–H is also connected to ...
In Chemistry, organic chemistry is considered as a sub discipline involving the study of properties, structure, reactions, preparation (by synthesis and the structure compounds containing carbon atoms, hydrocarbons and their derivatives. Due to this, the compounds involved may contain any number of oth...
The noble gas, argon (Ar), has a electronegativity value of 0. The electronegativity values increase across a period. The electronegativity values decrease down a group. These conclusions are important generalizations to remember since many chemistry test questions often ask about them. For example,...
What is a physical property? What are the four emergent properties of water that are important for life? Which characteristic property of Bryophyllum is exploited by gardeners and farmers? What are some great examples that put in value an ecophysiological and ethological regulation?
The determination of the interplay between polymeric matrices and filler particles in composites is of great interest to understand structure-property relationships and develop predictive theories. To study the molecular dynamics of polymers in composites, model systems based on poly(n-alkyl methacrylates)...
Do all batteries work by harnessing the energy of chemical reactions and converting this energy into electricity? What are some real life examples? Give two examples of a chemical property. Discuss at least three other ways in which chemistry is applied in our daily lives (provide specif...
For example, if a man discovered an unknown island and began to clear the land and build a shelter, he is considered the rightful owner of that land. Since most resources have already been claimed at some point in history, the modern acquisition of property takes place through voluntary trade...
Thecoinsurance clausein aproperty insurancepolicy requires that a home (or other physical property) be insured for a percentage of its total cash or replacement value. Usually, this percentage is 80%, but different providers may require varying percentages of coverage (90%, 70%, etc.).6 ...