Researchers may find some components of the cleanlab package useful for evaluating algorithms for ML with noisy labels. For additional details/notation, refer to the Confident Learning paper. Methods to Standardize Research with Noisy Labels cleanlab supports a number of functions to generate noise for...
Prior art black-macchiato darken (deprecated in favor of Darker; thanks Carreau for inspiration!) Interesting code formatting and analysis projects to watch The following projects are related to Black or Darker in some way or another. Some of them we might want to integrate to be part of a ...
History of Art is the door to artistic, cultural, historical and personal enrichment. With motivation and effort it can also lead to truly interesting career opportunities, most notably as far as I am concerned, fine art auctioneer. It is one of the most appealing and diverse subjects you can...
While not inherently problematic, the problem in the story lies in the fact that everyone is absolutely obsessed with baseball (or more specifically, with not losing any games), to the detriment of personal growth. Everyone but Jimmy–who manages to change Millie–which in turn becomes an indic...
The art of good writing Good writers aren’t sprinters. They choose each and every word with care. They know the rules. But they also know how to break the rules. Deliberately. Determinedly. Emphatically. Have fun! Reply Dave MUNsays ...
Looking for popular personal blogs to get inspired? It’s always fun to start a personal blog. But it’s HARD to make it profitable. There are a few bloggers who learned the art of making a full-time income from their personal blogs. ...
History of Art & Philosophy... Philosophy and Politics Personal... After reading several books with political and philosophical themes (such as 'Animal Farm'/'1984' by George Orwell and 'Guns Germs and Steel' by Jared Diamond) I came to realise the power and implications of ideology and bel...
If you’re responsible for overseeing an entire network of computers and servers, you can bet your bottom dollar that you have to do it in an organized way to avoid disaster. You can apply that to the art of writing cover letters, too. ...
I was fascinated by its responsiveness and ease of custom styling. Some questions arose regarding mobile optimization, as small text was hard to read. I faced setbacks with creating cohesive design elements. However, upon completion, I achieved an attractive interactive layout that functions ...
"Big, commercial artifacts of the craft are too complex and overwhelming for students of web development" (but not for those same students on the day after they become an employee? not for students of every other line of work under the sun?). "Approaches are a matter of personal preference...