Primary Politics: How Presidential Candidates Have Shaped the Modern Nominating System 6 Imagine for a moment that Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower , and John F. Kennedy were among us once again. Then imagine that they found th......
5.NominatingCommitteeReport a.TheelectedpositionsofPresidentandSecretaryareopenforelectionat thismeeting.Thenomineesare: i.President:JaneCSmith ii.Secretary:WalterKMadden b.Briefsforthesetwocandidateshavebeenmadeavailableatthehandout table.Nominationsfromthefloorwillnowbeinorder. 6.SpecialOrders a.ElectionofOff...
Candidates will have the opportunity to learn about the opportunity, decide whether the position aligns with their personalities and academic experience, and enroll in the initiative as mentors in case of success. After hiring, the mentors are to be provided with resources and supported by the ...