expansionary monetary policy“扩张性货币政策”,是以放松银根、扩大货币供应量为特点,目的在于刺激需求的增加。在经济衰退期间,一般要通过采取扩张性货币政策,扩大货币供应量,降低利率来刺激经济增长。contractionary monetary policy“紧缩性货币政策”,是以抽紧银根、减少货币供应量为特点,目的在于抑制需求的增加。在经济...
2006. "An Example of Robustly Optimal Monetary Policy with Near-Rational Expectations." Journal of the European Economics Association, 4(2-3): 386-395.Woodford, Michael. 2006. "An Example of Robustly Optimal Monetary Policy with Near-Rational Expec- tations." Journal of the European Economic ...
Ultimately, the goal of monetary policy is to promote a stableeconomy. Manyeconomistsagree that the Federal Reserve is the most important political tool a government has, because each of a monetary policy's effects influences the everyday financial decisions of the citizens of the economy: Whether...
Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy in Austria; An Early Example of - Policy Coordination”, paper presented at the Workshop on Economic Policy Coordination - GlUck, Proske, et al. - 1992Gluck, H. D. Proske and J. A. Tatom (1992) Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy in Austria: An Early ...
Monetary Policy Monetary PolicyMonetary policy is a form of economic policy that involves changing money supply in order to change cost of borrowing which in turn changes inflation rate, growth rate and unemployment rate. Together with fiscal policy, monetary policy is used to save the economy ...
A. a discretionary fiscal policy stabilizer. B. an automatic fiscal policy stabilizer. C. an automatic monetary policy stabilizer. 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 B Unemployment compensation automatically rises and falls with the business cycle, therefore it is an example of an automatic fiscal policy ...
Fiscal policy versus monetary policy: Government can affect the macro-economy mainly using two specific policy tools namely: fiscal policy and monetary policy. Fiscal policy is basically the budget policy of government and is basically implement...
B. an automatic monetary policy stabilizer.C. a discretionary fiscal policy stabilizer. 正确答案:A 分享到: 答案解析: Unemployment compensation automatically rises and falls with the business cycle, therefore it is an example of an automatic fiscal policy stabilizer. 统计:共计99人答过,平均正确率...
Answer to: Provide one (1) example of how the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) might use monetary policy to influence economic growth. By signing...
Example of Reflation In the wake of theGreat Recession, the U.S. economy remained subdued and theFederal Reserve(FED) struggled to create inflation, even after utilizing several reflationary monetary policy tools, such as lower interest rates and increased money supply. However, the enactment of ...