# Generate the example docs for each example script for script_path, doc_path in zip(script_paths, doc_paths): script_url = f"https://github.com/vllm-project/vllm/blob/main/examples/{script_path.name}" # Make script_path relative to doc_path and call it include_path include_path =...
mock_observer modbus ms-access-db/src/mdb_create_read mybatis/src/com/test notify_wait open_office opencart-db-editor opencart-rest opencv/src/com/cherkashyn/vitalii/tools/visio/recognizer oracle-script-from-file oracle_xe_connection oracle_xml oracle_xml_2 oracle_xml_vs_mon...
I want to focus on the structure of our functions so you can see how they fit together, so we’ll be using mock data here – random numbers for the weather data, and the string “OK” for our server response.
MockInvocationEvent event = new MockInvocationEvent(this, service.getName(), version, response.getName(), new Date(startTime), startTime - System.currentTimeMillis()); applicationContext.publishEvent(event); log.debug("Mock invocation event has been published"); HttpStatus status = (response.ge...
study-typescript 2025-02-28 01:54:17 积分:1 data_exporter 2025-02-28 01:46:41 积分:1 httpmocktool 2025-02-28 01:46:08 积分:1 FishC-Python3-practice 2025-02-28 01:44:58 积分:1 LoveNet 2025-02-28 01:36:35 积分:1 four_blocks ...
具体来说,when()方法需要一个参数,这个参数必须是一个对mock对象的方法调用的表达式。 指出when()方法需要的参数类型 when()方法需要的参数类型是一个方法调用表达式,这个方法调用必须发生在一个mock对象上。例如,mock.someMethod()这样的表达式就是有效的,其中mock是一个mock对象,someMethod()是该对象的一个方法。
This is used later when setting up a mock * response.//from ww w . j a v a 2s. c o m * * @param server * => url of web-server.js running on node * @param port * => port number of web-server.js running on node * @param template * => the template that is to be ...
python-dbusmock 0.19 PyYAML 5.3.1 requests 2.22.0 requests-unixsocket 0.2.0 setuptools 67.6.0 six 1.14.0 urllib3 1.25.8 wheel 0.40.0 junshengy2023 年10 月 20 日 09:288 Run theinstall.shscript to clear the cache in the/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstreamdirectory ...
deprecated_member_use_from_same_package // ignore_for_file: implementation_imports // ignore_for_file: invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member // ignore_for_file: prefer_const_constructors @@ -92,6 +95,7 @@ class MockWebViewPlatform extends _i1.Mock implements _i4.WebViewPlatform { ...
(conf) val rpcEnv = mock(classOf[RpcEnv]) val master = mock(classOf[Master]) val masterEndpointRef = mock(classOf[RpcEndpointRef]) when(master.securityMgr).thenReturn(securityMgr) when(master.conf).thenReturn(conf) when(master.rpcEnv).thenReturn(rpcEnv) when(master.self).thenReturn(master...