Vol.II. Software Track, Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Hawaii International Conference onOurston et al, Automatic Software Documentation Support: An Example of Machine Translation, IEEE Conf. on Systems Sciences, 1988, pp. 510 517.
example-based machine translation英语翻译成中文是什么意思?汉程英汉词典提供example-based machine translation的音标、读音、详细意思解释及用法等。
As the title suggests, in this book we discussed about Example-Based approach of Machine Translation for English-Bengali language pair. The author wrote this book from his industry level machine translation system development experience.This book can be useful for students to get a brief idea ...
The Unreliability of Explanations in Few-Shot In-Context Learning, Arxiv 2022 本文来自于得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校。该篇论文在QA和NLI任务的三个数据集上对Chain Of Thought方法进行了实验,实验发现在这些数据集上,Chain Of Thought并不总是会带...
High-quality machine translation of human languages has for a long time been an unattainable dream for many computer scientists involved in this fascinating and interdisciplinary field of the application of computers. Thedeveloped quite recently example-based machine translation technique seems to be a ...
Neural Machine Translation with Monolingual Translation Memory 本文来自于香港中文大学和腾讯AI LAB,是ACL 2021的outstanding paper。 另一个可以将示例作为模板的应用场景是机器翻译,通过检索出和当前输入相似的source sentence,模型完全可以参考检索样例的target sentence来生成当前输入的翻译。但是这种方法通常需要配备大量...
Neural Machine Translation with Monolingual Translation Memory, ACL 2021 本文来自于香港中文大学和腾讯AI LAB,是ACL 2021的outstanding paper。 另一个可以将示例作为模板的应用场景是机器翻译,通过检索出和当前输入相似的source sentence,模型完全可以...
This paper presents a model of machine translation system that uses examples to translate idioms, collocations and other expressions requiring structural changes. The evaluation result of the model is also presented. It is difficult to find an example that fits for source text exactly. If an exampl...
This presentation describes an examplebased English-Japanese machine translation system in which an abstract linguistic representation layer is used to extract and store bilingual translation knowledge, transfer patterns between languages, and generate output strings. Abstraction permi...
A generic framework for Arabic to English machine translation of simplex sentences using the Role an The aim of this research is to develop a rule-based lexical framework for Arabic language processing using the Role and Reference Grammar linguistic model. A system, called UniArab is introduced to...