In APA, format a block quote is forty words or longer. In Chicago, format a block quote is five or more lines of prose, more than 100 words, or two or more lines of poetry/verse. When should you use a block quote? Use a block quote for long quotations. In MLA format, use a ...
yet soft enough to portray the deep pain he still felt as he told the story of how his father called his name just before dying in the bunk bed above him. He explained that he was too afraid to go to his father’s deathbed for fear the German guards would see him. His opening ...
Question: When we summarize, do we need to include quotation marks around proper nouns that appeared within the original text? For example: 'Ohio river'. Punctuation Usage: Quotation Marks: Quotation marks are used for verbatim represen...
For all else, however, there is no equal opposition of family values to individual freedom in the book. The protagonist comes to the conclusion that personal life, individual development in the format of learning, and further self-improvement are still more vital in her particular case. It is...
The other two are focused on the performance and the results achieved; the success of this or that undertaking is measured primarily by the beneficiaries and clients response. At that, the outcomes in the long run appear complicated to measure and evaluate. Historical Background Performance ...