{ addPersonFaceResponse.OperationLocation, addPersonFaceFromUrlResponse.OperationLocation }); await IdentifyFromDynamicPersonGroupAsync(queryFaceId, groupId); // optionally check the person-to-group relationship, which requires the completion of the group's creation or updating call await WaitFor...
Yourname,email address,phone number, and a LinkedIn profile URL are musts. Optional items are your mailing address, branding statement, orprofessional title. Your details can be aligned to the left, center, or right, but stick with the same design as your accounting resume template. Pro Tip:...
The following example shows how to request a driving route between two locations that minimizes the use of toll roads. Responses are shown for both XML and JSON formats.url Copy http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/V1/Routes/Driving?wp.0=redmond%2Cwa&wp.1=Issaquah%2Cwa&avoid=minimizeTolls...
linkedin.com/in/estherjsteward You noticed that the city, date, hiring manager, and company details are not part of the header? That’s exactly right. They belong to the salutation part of your software developer cover letter. In case you’re submitting an email cover letter, help yourself...
Interval Yes 30 The number of intervals to wait between feed checks. This example uses 30 as the interval because this value is the minimum interval for the RSS trigger. Frequency Yes Minute The unit of frequency to use for every interval. This example uses Minute as the frequency. Time Zon...
LinkedIn Kaggle HuggingFace Twitter:@CatalystCoop Releases No releases published Sponsor this project catalyst-cooperativeCatalyst Cooperative opencollective.com/catalyst-cooperative https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=PZBZDFNKBJW5E&source=url...
They thought of a podcast as a single unit and not in the context of a series. Another problem they encountered pertained to the language of the dialogue box requesting a URL. One participant admitted that she didn’t even know what a url was, and she did not know how to obtain it...
SECURITY_MODE securityMode = NO_SECURITY; if (argc < 3) { wprintf(L"Usage:\n FileRepService.exe <server/client> <Service Url> [/reporting:<error/verbose>] [/encoding:<text/binary/MTOM>]"); wprintf(L" [/connections:<number of connections>] [/chunk:<size of the payload per message>...
UrlToIndex (Windows) TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFORMATION_BASIC structure (Windows) BFFCALLBACK function pointer (Windows) DWordPtrToDWord function (Windows) DWordToIntPtr function (Windows) InterlockedCompare64Exchange128 function (Windows) IFileDialog::GetFileTypeIndex method (Windows) IntToSIZET function (...
Human Activity Recognition (HAR) using smartphones dataset and an LSTM RNN. Classifying the type of movement amongst six categories:WALKING, WALKING_UPSTAIRS, WALKING_DOWNSTAIRS, SITTING, STANDING, LAYING.Compared to a classical approach, using a Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) with Long Short-Term...