Nature Abhors a Vacuum: A Simple Rigorous Example of Thermalization in an Isolated Macroscopic Quantum SystemIsolated macroscopic quantum systemsFree fermion chainThermalizationEquilibrationEffective dimensionNon-degeneracy of energy eigenvaluesWe show, without relying on any unproven assumptions, that a low-...
In addition, the aperture of the fracture in all above studies was fixed and no deformation was allowed. We therefore present a new experimental system to investigate two-phase (oil-water) flow in a real deformable fracture of shale. In the proposed methodology, we create fractures with a ...
To determine what the universe is an example of, we need to analyze the definitions of the different types of thermodynamic systems provided in the question. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the solution:Step 1: Understand the Types
In particular, the remarkable control of two-level systems and their coupling to the quantum field of a resonator can pave the way for the reali- zation and study of new quantum phases for fundamental studies and quantum applications. The physics of a system consisting of N atoms coupled to...
Osteoarthritis affects the morphological properties of the femoral head. The goal of this study was to develop a method to elucidate whether these changes are localised to discrete regions, or if the reported trends in microstructural changes may be identified throughout the subchondral bone of the ...
Complete Homochirality Induced by Nonlinear Autocatalysis and Recycling(Cross-disciplinary Physics and Related Areas of Science and Technology) The nonlinear autocatalysis of the chiral substance is shown to achieve homochirality in a closed system, if the back reaction is included. Asymmetry in th......
The crystal structure of potassium lead hexanitrocuprate(II), K2Pb[Cu(NO2)6], has been redetermined using three-dimensional neutron diffraction data. The compound crystallises in the cubic system, space group Fm3 or F23, with a= 10·66 ± 0·01 . The copper atom is surrounded by six...
In theoretical physics derived from Dirac's system one uses the spinor projectors, in the above written ι = ½ (1+h) and written ι* = ½ (1-h) and it is readily shown that ιι = ι, ι*ι* = ι*, ιι* = ι*ι = 0, and ι+ ι* = 1. Note that an asterisk ...
The ability to predict the likelihood of impurity incorporation and their electronic energy levels in semiconductors is crucial for controlling its conductivity, and thus the semiconductor’s performance in solar cells, photodiodes, and optoelectronics. The difficulty and expense of experimental and computat...
Long before the concept of autowaves was formulated and generally recognized, a phenomenon of this class had been described in the vertebrate brain [l,2], Leão’s [2] spreading EEG depression (SD) is characterized by a decrease of electrical activity