事件的套接字流: 接受来自 IPv4 和 IPv6 客户机的请求的服务器应用程序 此流描述每个 API 调用以及它们在套接字应用程序中执行的操作,套接字应用程序接受来自 IPv4 和 IPv6 客户机的请求。 socket()API 指定用于创建端点的套接字描述符。 它还指定支持 IPv6的 AF_INET6 地址系列,并且 TCP 传输 (SOCK_STR...
此範例程式示範如何建立伺服器/用戶端模型,以接受來自 IPv4 (那些使用 AF_INET 位址系列的 Socket 應用程式) 及 IPv6 (那些使用 AF_INET6 位址系列的應用程式) 的要求。 目前您的 Socket 應用程式只能使用 AF_INET 位址系列,它容許 TCP 及「使用者資料封包通訊協定 (UDP)」通訊協定; 不過,這可能會隨著使用 ...
Configuration file of RouterA # sysname RouterA # ipv6 # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0 undo portswitch ip address # interface Tunnel0/0/1 ipv6 enable ipv6 address 2001::1/64 tunnel-protocol ipv6-ipv4 source GigabitEthernet1/0/0 destination # ip rou...
[RouterA] ipv6 route-static fc03::1 64 tunnel 0/0/1 # Configure RouterC. [RouterC] ipv6 route-static fc01::1 64 tunnel 0/0/1 Verify the configuration. # Ping the IPv4 address of RouterA from RouterC. RouterC can receive a Reply packet from RouterA. [RouterC] ping ...
Assign an IVI prefix and an IPv4 subnet to the IPv6 network. Each IPv6 host uses the IPv6 addresses formed by the IVI prefix and an IPv4 address on the IPv4 subnet. Figure 1Network diagram Software versions used This configuration example was created and verified on R9071 of the M900...
【example混杂模式】客户端和服务端分别使用tcp,udp+ipv4,ipv6+组播模式打流时,出现报错(example当前不支持tcp+udp组播模式) 已验收 #I970IX 缺陷 qianchen123321 创建于 2024-03-08 17:43 【环境信息】 openeulerversion=openEuler-20.03-LTS-SP1 compiletime=2020-12-23-02-13-04 gccversion=7.3.0-20190804.35...
The following is an example of a route table for one of the private subnets, with routes for both IPv4 and IPv6. If you created IPv4-only subnets, the route table includes only the IPv4 routes. The last route sends traffic destined for Amazon S3 to the gateway VPC endpoint. ...
•The IPv4 address for the internal port of an active cluster member.•Click Join Cluster. When prompted to confirm joining the cluster, click Join.The join cluster operation validates IPv4 and IPv6 settings for all the physical ports (internal/external/management) against those present in ...
· Configure VLAN-interface 100 on Device A and Device B to act as the IPv4 and IPv6 dual-active gateways. To enable IPv4 and IPv6 users to access the external network through the gateways, configure the same IPv4 address, MAC a...
If both IPv4 and IPv6 are enabled on my computer (OS X Yosemite), and the IPv4 is configured with DHCP, and thus gets a self-assigned address (169.254.x.x), then I get timeout errors: $ scrapy runspider myspider.py :0: UserWarning: You do not have a working installation of the ...