EFFECTS OF AGE ON DETECTION OF EMOTION 17 References Anderson, A. K. (2005). Affective influences on the atten s supporting awareness.3445Anderson, A. K., Christoff, K., Panitz, D., De Rosa, E., & Gabrieli, J. D. E. (2003). Neural correlates of the automatic processing of threat...
This is a typical example of explicit dependence bias: you declare that World (as a mathematical structure) depends on nothing, but it really does. See example "world3" in my post for an example with Newcomb's problem. There, World is given by a program "world3" that takes agent's ac...
Since strain-based approaches usually involve multiple sub-models and take implicit forms, their model uncertainties tend to be more complex than those of the explicit design equations commonly used in design codes. The characteristics of the model uncertainties of strain-based approaches is ...
and both explicit and implicit measures" (p. 889). The TES analysis suggests that the support is not just "remarkably consistent" but "shockingly consistent," and perhaps even "unbelievably consistent." Given the variability that should be present simply due to random sam...
The opportunity cost of capital is a financial and economic concept. However, this is not an explicit cost that a company needs to incur. Nor does this find any place in the accounting records of the entity. Instead, it is an implicit or notional cost that helps management make crucial inv...
Moreover, this method can capture implicit anomalies that have not appeared in the training data, which contributes to enhancing the generalization capability of the detector. Our framework utilizes an AE-based approach for detecting adversarial examples, using only regular samples during modeling. ...
IMPLICIT biasARTIFICIAL neural networksMACHINE learningPATTERN recognition systemsALGORITHMIC biasThis document provides a list of references to research papers and articles on topics related to neural networks, adversarial examples, image recognition, and deep learning.Caro, Josue O....
Here I will use an explicit notation, W=(wl,iwl,fwl). This notation defines the number of integer bits, fraction bits, and the total bit length. Example, W=(4,0,3) is a 4-bit number with three fractional bits and a sign bit (the sign bit is implicit). All fixed-point numbers ...
() val sc = spark.sparkContext import spark.implicits._ //read in raw label and features val rawDataset = MLUtils.loadLibSVMFile(sc, path) .zipWithIndex() .filter(_._2 < ns.max) .sortBy(_._2, numPartitions = numPartitions) .keys .toDF() // convert "features" from mllib....
J. (1993). Directed forget- ting in implicit and explicit memory tests: A comparison of methods. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 19, 603–616. Bjork, R. A. (1970). Positive forgetting: The noninterference of items intentionally forgotten. Journal of Verbal...