Gender Bias: Sexism and Sexual Harassment in Kenya Gender Inequality/Gender Discrimination Sexism Sexism and sexual harassment represent pervasive forms of gender discrimination, undermining... 2 Pages | 1031 Words Workplace Sexism: Prejudice, Stereotypes, and Discrimination ...
Perhaps even more indicative of the gender disparity in this arena, is the fact that, at the start of the match, the CBS Sports commentator can be heard nonchalantly predicting, "There will be some shouting and some emotional moments in this one." TubeChop Jimmy Connors Tirade 199...
We use the term "weight stigma" to refer to the stigmatization of individuals perceived to be overweight or obese. A range of terms are used to draw attention to this and related phenomena. These terms include the "stigmatisation of obesity" (Couch et al. 2016), "weight bias" (Browne ...
performance. The activation of coping strategies constitutes a key mechanism for dealing positively with problems and challenges, generating positive emotions essential for the self-regulation of learning. In conclusion, correct management of emotions in stressful situations could promote effective learning ...
Quantitative research of bone tissue related to physical activity (PA) and sport has a preventive dimension. Increasing the parameters of bone tissue strength, especially reaching the maximum value of peak bone strength in childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood due to practicing sports can contrib...
There should be a range of sports dealt with by the research to facilitate conclusive decision without bias. In his research on participation on ‘prole’ activities, the writer only deals with auto racing, which according to him is a middle class sport. This gives a very narrow basis to ma...
Ableism denotes social prejudice and bias against people with disabilities (PWD) and in favor of able-bodied individuals. People are not born with such prejudice embedded in them but learn it later in life from the community, the media, parents, and friends, to mention a few. Many people ...
Self-regulated learning and expertise development in sport: Current status, challenges, and future opportunities. Int. Rev. Sport Exerc. Psychol. 2019, 12, 112–138. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Zimmerman, B.J. Development and adaptation of expertise: The role of self-regulatory processes and ...