Your root.html.heex template file should look like this: /lib/chat_web/components/layouts/root.html.heexAt the end of this step, if you run the Phoenix Server mix phx.server, and view the App in your browser it will look like this:...
If as the title is passed just the name of the application, Tiny Puppet tries to configure itsmain configuration file. There are various ways to manage other configuration files related to the application as detailed in the section tp::conf file paths conventions. ...
While the use of thePKGSAVenvironment variable is not reliable during a package update; if the package is not updated (through a patch, for instance) the backup file is secure. The following remove script includes code to deal with the other issue--the fact that older versions of thepkgrm...
Once again the m_lOrigWndProc member variable is checked to see if in fact a subclassed window procedure has been installed. A value of zero means that none has been installed. If the value is nonzero, SetWindowLongPtr is called, this time with the m_lOrigWndProc variable passed in the...
Keep in mind the following fact about using spin locks: All code that runs at a lower IRQL cannot get any work done on the set of processors occupied by a spin-lock holder and by other routines trying to acquire the same spin lock. ...
Smith BS, Harlow GE (2002) Conceptual hydrogeologic framework of the shallow aquifer system at Virginia Beach. US Geol Surv Water Resour Invest Rep 01-4262, 37 pp Google Scholar Stonestrom DA, Constanz J (2004) Using temperature to study stream-ground water exchanges. US Geol Surv Fact She...
Some of the options below may have you wondering - Why they aren't enabled by default? Some of the settings below may have been made configurable after the fact, so respective of not changing default behaviors, sometimes the optimal settings need to be changed manually. ■ APIC...
Your root.html.heex template file should look like this: /lib/chat_web/components/layouts/root.html.heex At the end of this step, if you run the Phoenix Server mix phx.server, and view the App in your browser it will look like this: So it's already starting to look like a basic ...
These standard deduction amounts are subtracted from the total of your earned income and you're only taxed on the remaining balance. The amount you can deduct depends on your filing status. You also have the option of itemizing your deductions instead of claiming the standard deduction, but you...
Generally, a taxpayer can only be a resident of one state. In a situation whereby an individual spends considerable time in two states, they must file a tax return as a resident of one state and a non-resident of the other. Two states cannot tax the same income by law, as each state...