//This Enum to String conversion will throw Exception String INR = "INR"; //java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum const class Currency rupee = Currency.valueOf("INR"); } } Output: String to Enum Example : USD Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:...
我有一种情况需要复制EnumMap<ExampleEnum,String>到Map<String, Object>。关于Stack Overflow的许多示例说明了如何从一种数据类型转换为另一种数据类型,而不是从枚举类型转换。我尝试通过流来做到这一点,但没有运气。这是我的代码 private enum Number{ One, Two, Three; } final Map<Number, String> map = C...
There are two ways to convert an Enum toStringin Java, first by using thename()method of Enum which is an implicit method and available to all Enum, and second by usingtoString()method.name()method of Enum returns the exact sameStringwhich is used to declare a particular Enum instance lik...
publicclassTest{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){//enum valueOf + uppercaseOperationop=Operation.valueOf("times".toUpperCase()); System.out.println(op.calculate(10,3)); } } Output 30.0 Done. References Oracle Doc – Enum Types Stackoverflow : Comparing Java enum members: == or equals()...
enum_create_object enum_serialization enum_switch enumeration excel-editor/src excel_to_hsql exception_in_finalize execute-commands-from-properties-file file-scrabber-camel file_concurent_write filesystem-walk/src/main/java final final_var finalize_throw finally_throw flume-inter...
java java.lang.* Enum valueOf IntroductionIn this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Enum valueOf. Prototype public static <T extends Enum<T>> T valueOf(Class<T> enumType, String name) Source Link DocumentReturns the enum constant of the specified enum type with the sp...
= 5 是错误的,必须要通过Integer i = new Integer(5) 这样的语句来实现基本数据类型转换成包装类的过程;而在JDK1.5以后,Java提供了自动装箱的功能,因此只需Integer i = 5这样的语句就能实现基本数据类型转换成包装类,这是因为JVM为我们执行了Integer i = Integer.valueOf(5)这样的操作,这就是Java的自动装箱...
ordinal() methodis available injava.langpackage. ordinal() methodis used to return the position of this enum constants is whatever defined in its enum declaration and the position of starting element of enum constant starts from 0. ordinal() methodis a non-static method, it is accessible with...
Enumset en– represents the ending element in this enum set. Return value: The return type of this method isEnumSet, it returns an enum set with elements of the given range defined. Example: // Java program is to demonstrate the example of// range() method of EnumSetimportjava.util.*;pu...